Through its website, Trade 360 Solutions may solicit personal information (for cases in which it is required, it will be noted). As such, the use of the Website implies that you have read and accepted our Privacy and Security Policy that is presented here. When accessing the website located at the address and all of the links to the web systems located therein (henceforth known as “Website”), which is property of the Trade 360 Solutions, the user assumes the commitment to follow and comply with the terms and conditions that will be indicated below. In the event that the user does not agree with the terms and conditions of use, we request that you refrain from using the Website.


The privacy and security Policy of Trade 360 Solutions applies to the gathering and use of the information that you provide to use through our Website. Such information shall be used only by Trade 360 Solutions to accomplish its aims. Trade 360 Solutions uses automated systems to detect and prevent digital attacks, thereby minimizing the possibility of suffering damages or alterations to the information available on the Website. These systems allow us to generate reports and logs of unauthorized access from and into our site. The information shall be used with the aim that it was solicited for. Trade 360 Solutions respects your right to privacy, and shall not provide third parties with its users’ personal information without the users’ consent, as long as it is not required by valid laws.